DSL Electronic Design

Time to think

DSL’s Sales Manager, Tom Scott, on his admiration for the electronic product designers and embedded entrepreneurs helping to drive the economy forward.

Since the first lockdown in March 2020, we’ve seen a huge increase in electronic product design enquiries to DSL.

It’s often the case that off-the-shelf products just won’t do what you need them to, and bespoke solutions are the only way to realise your applications – this is when you need an electronic product design service.

Brimming with creativity and real-world applications, the new and numerous conceptions coming our way have been cultivated during a time of restrictions, lockdowns and homeworking – not your typical agents for success.


Yet, the concepts we’re seeing are imaginative and resourceful, and some are even borne out of the challenges we’ve faced since the advent of coronavirus.

While not all of them will make it through to manufacturing or commercial success, the vision and motivation to solve modern-day challenges from these engineers, product designers and entrepreneurs is commendable.

Perhaps having the additional time and space to think – without the daily commute, bustling offices, and busy weekends – has allowed, and maybe even encouraged, rumination and ingenuity.

Whatever the reasons, these inventive designs (and the people behind them) demonstrate the UK’s resilience and skill which will help to rebuild our economy in the short-term and future-proof the country’s sustained growth in the long-term.

If you have a unique idea which requires a new way of thinking and the creation of customised electronic products and circuit boards, DSL’s expert team of engineers will collaborate with you to design and deliver tailor-made solutions to solve your technical challenges with bespoke hardware that performs to the highest standards.

For an initial chat, contact me at [email protected] or 01462 342009.

Read more about DSL’s electronic design process here, and read our customer case studies here.

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